Several things you need to know and be informed about concerning our efforts to stop this action by the aquarium.
1.) An event has been created for next Saturday, July 21st, outside the GA Aquarium main entrance. If you live in or near Atlanta, please help us out by attending the event! You can read about it at the following link!!/events/380676355333421/
2.) A petition has been started going to the NOAA and you need to sign and share it please!
3.) The time will come when the permit the GA Aquarium has applied for will be published in the Federal Registry. Once it is published, the public will have an opportunity to comment. We want this to be the most commented on publication EVER in the history of the Federal Registry. We will only have 30 days to comment once the permit is published and unfortunately we don't know exactly when that will be. We do however have people making this a priority and we will inform you as soon as we know anything!
4.) Share all of this information with whomever you can. The public needs to know what the GA Aquarium is trying to do behind your back! I say "behind your back" because who the heck really reads the Federal Registry, or even knows about it? I didn't, but then that's not unusual for me. So glad to have the people on my team who have the brains to uncover this information.
5.) Stay Tuned!
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